Home Finance Once an Evangelist for Airbnbs, She Now Crusades for Affordable Housing – UnlistedNews

Once an Evangelist for Airbnbs, She Now Crusades for Affordable Housing – UnlistedNews

Once an Evangelist for Airbnbs, She Now Crusades for Affordable Housing – UnlistedNews

Once an Evangelist for Airbnbs, She Now Crusades for Affordable Housing

An Airbnb evangelist turned affordable housing crusader is now making headlines for her efforts to ensure that short-term rental platforms won’t contribute to the housing affordability crisis. This former Airbnb host and community organizer learned the hard way how Airbnb’s unchecked growth is contributing to rising home prices and homelessness in cities like New York, and now she’s working to fix the problem.

The Rise of Airbnb

Airbnb was founded in 2008 and quickly became a disruptor in the hotel industry. The platform allowed anyone with a spare room or an entire property to list it for short-term rentals. Its popularity exploded and by 2020, Airbnb was valued at $83.2 billion.

However, not everyone was happy with Airbnb’s rise. Lawmakers and housing advocates began to criticize the platform for contributing to rising home prices and decreasing available housing stock, particularly in cities with high demand.

And that’s where this former Airbnb host and community organizer comes in. After hosting guests on Airbnb for several years and experiencing the boom firsthand, she began to realize the negative impact that short-term rentals were having on the housing market.

The Impact on Housing Affordability

As an Airbnb host in New York City, this housing crusader saw her community change as more and more Airbnb listings popped up. She witnessed long-term residents being priced out of their homes and neighborhoods. Homeowners and landlords who could make more money renting out their properties on Airbnb than to a long-term tenant were doing so, further driving up housing prices and decreasing the available rental stock.

The affordable housing crisis was worsening, and she realized that Airbnb was a big part of the problem. So, she switched gears and began to fight back against short-term rentals.

The Need for Regulation

This former Airbnb host and community organizer has become a vocal advocate for regulating short-term rentals. She believes that without proper regulations, companies like Airbnb will continue to contribute to the affordable housing crisis.

She is pushing for legislation that would limit the number of days a host can rent out their property each year, require hosts to register their properties with the city and pay taxes on their earnings, and impose steep fines on those who violate the rules.

Her efforts are paying off. Several cities, including San Francisco and Portland, have already implemented regulations on short-term rentals. New York City also recently passed legislation that requires Airbnb hosts to register with the city and imposes fines on those who violate the rules.

The Future of Affordable Housing

This housing crusader continues to fight for affordable housing and push for tighter regulations on short-term rentals. She believes that everyone needs a safe and affordable place to call home, and that short-term rentals shouldn’t be allowed to contribute to the housing affordability crisis.

As cities around the world continue to grapple with rising home prices and homelessness, it’s important that we recognize the role that companies like Airbnb play in exacerbating the problem. This former Airbnb host and community organizer has shown that with determination and hard work, it’s possible to make a difference and fight for a better future.



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