Home Lifestyle 3 Great Fitness Tips for Weekend Warriors – UnlistedNews

3 Great Fitness Tips for Weekend Warriors – UnlistedNews

3 Great Fitness Tips for Weekend Warriors

 – UnlistedNews

The Lounge Fitness Roundup is back with three great tips to help you get the most out of your workout.

Hello and welcome to another edition of the Lounge Fitness overview. Every week we bring you the best fitness stories published on Lounge, so in case you missed them the first time, you can read them now! In LoungeWe value your fitness journey, so we try to give you the best advice you could possibly use.

This week is no different. Our team of specialists brings you a wealth of stories, one on the importance of sleep, one on making sure you manage to walk 10,000 steps a day, and finally, on preserving your muscle as you age. Enjoy!

This is a subject that we cannot stress enough. You need a good 7-8 hours of sleep every day, no matter your age. It’s simple: if you don’t sleep well, you make yourself vulnerable to a host of health problems.

And, as writer Shrenik Avlani says in this article, it’s not just that. According to doctors and fitness trainers, if you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t get the same benefits from your workouts. Avlani also busts some myths and misconceptions about how much sleep our bodies need back in the story.

By now, everyone knows about the 10,000 steps that people need to walk every day to maintain their health. While there’s no word yet on whether this is actually helpful or just a brand exercise, there’s no getting around the fact that walking is good for you!

In this story, writers Mahalakshmi Prabhakaran and Jayanthi Madhukar weigh in on the importance of walking and talk about some cool things people do online to make walking fun. And once you do something fun, there’s less chance you’ll skip it.

Aging is a fact of life. But you know what, this is how fitness should be! In our hyper-commercialized society, physical activity is seen as a youth game, and anyone over the age of 40 is expected to give up and soften.

As weight loss expert Jen Thomas writes in this story, nothing could be further from the truth. She writes about how men and women experience a natural loss of muscle mass in midlife. However, this rate can be nearly nullified with proper training.



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