Home Lifestyle The Impact of Aircraft Noise on Sleep Duration: An Analysis

The Impact of Aircraft Noise on Sleep Duration: An Analysis

The Impact of Aircraft Noise on Sleep Duration: An Analysis

New Study Shows How Airplane Noise Affects Sleep Duration

A recent study conducted by Boston University’s School of Public Health and Oregon State University shows that exposure to airplane noise can lead to sleep disturbance, even at moderate levels. The study highlights the adverse effects of environmental noise on health, specifically the impact of aircraft noise on sleep duration.

Keywords: Airplane noise, sleep disturbance, environmental noise, health, aircraft noise, sleep duration.

Understanding the Study

The study found that people exposed to airplane noise levels as low as 45 dB are more likely to sleep less than seven hours per night. To put this into perspective, the sound level in a library is generally 40 dB, while a typical conversation at home is 50 dB. The study was published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.

Sleep is critical for health and mental wellbeing. Lack of it can cause an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, diabetes, cancer, and other health-related conditions. According to experts, adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night for healthy functioning.

The study provides essential information on the potential health pathways by which aircraft noise may act, such as through disturbed sleep. This is the first large-scale analysis of aircraft noise and sleep duration, accounting for the disruptive effects of multiple environmental exposures in communities, such as greenery and light at night (LAN).

The researchers examined airplane noise exposure and self-reported sleep disturbance in more than 35,000 participants living around 90 major US airports. The participants were selected from the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS), an ongoing study of US female nurses who have completed biennial questionnaires since 1976.

Findings from the Study

After considering factors such as demographics, health behaviours, comorbidities, and environmental exposures such as greenery and LAN, the results showed that the probability of sleeping less than seven hours increased as airplane noise exposure increased. Although a clear link between airplane noise and sleep duration was evident, no consistent association between aircraft noise and sleep quality was observed.

The study is crucial because although airplanes are common, little is known about the health effects of the noise they produce. As the world gradually opens up post-COVID-19, people are booking flights, and the skies are buzzing with activity once again. Therefore, the study findings are particularly important for frequent flyers who may be exposed to airplane noise regularly.

Overall, the study shows that even moderate levels of airplane noise can lead to sleep disturbance, highlighting the need for more research on the relationship between environmental noise and health. However, the study is limited to women who completed questionnaires in the NHS, and the findings may not apply to men or other populations.


The study by Boston University’s School of Public Health and Oregon State University provides important information on how airplane noise affects sleep duration. The research findings are crucial in understanding how environmental noise can disrupt sleep and contribute to health-related conditions. Although airplanes are common, more research is needed to establish the relationship between airplane noise and health fully. In the meantime, frequent flyers may want to take measures to reduce their exposure to airplane noise, such as using noise-cancelling headphones or requesting a seat in a quieter part of the plane.


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